In a world fully dependent on reviews and opinions, how many people use Yelp in 2025?

Consumers want to get the most from their money. As the saying goes, we exchange the time we spend making cash for products and services we avail.

This means we would go through extended measures to ensure you only get the best products and services, including seeking the help of a review site. 

In a market full of sellers trying to get us to buy what they offer, one easy measure to make sure you get such a good value is through Yelp. 

How Many People Use Yelp in 2025?

According to the latest figures, there are 178 million Yelp users every month.

This figure accounts for the total number of users across all platforms including desktop, mobile desktop view, and the dedicated app. 

The Yelp application alone amassed 92 million users and 69 million mobile web visitors relying on the app for various reasons. 

While it has rolled out in most countries worldwide, its major users come mostly from the North American and European regions.

Nevertheless, its official website,, is widely visited all across the globe.

It secured a global ranking of 195 out of millions of websites operating live on the internet today.

Yelp Demographics by Age

  • 18 to 34 years old – 26% of all Yelp users belong to this age group
  • 35 to 54 years old – 38% of all Yelp users belong to this age group
  • More than 55 years old – 36% of all Yelp users belong to this age group

Yelp Demographics by Educational Attainment

  • 17% of all Yelp users reported they did not go to college
  • 60% of all Yelp users have reached college level
  • 23%w of all Yelp users went to graduate school

Why Are so Many People Drawn to Yelp?

There are many reasons why a huge number of users are drawn to Yelp. First, it is a trusted platform for information seekers.

Having been in the market since 2004, Yelp managed to establish its name as a go-to site for legitimate and unfiltered reviews which influences consumers with their purchasing decisions.

According to the management, Yelp does not issue its “People Love Us on Yelp” sticker to anybody who wants it.

Businesses cannot pay their way through a good review.

They need to meet a list of criteria including providing excellent customer service, having a pile of in-app good reviews from real customers, and abiding by Yelp’s standards for best business practices, among others.

Aside from its economic utility, Yelp is also a good source of entertainment and idea exchange.

It functions much like a social media site where you can follow other accounts, like posts, and make a statement of your own.

Yelp’s Financial Performance

Its impressive mass appeal is the reason why the company’s quarterly revenue in Q1 2022 hit $277 million.

Nearly a fifth of which came from advertising revenue which came at $546,000 during the period.

Much of this ad proceeds, or 61% of the total, come from service revenue. The remaining 39% is from restaurants and retailers on the app.

Still, the firm is yet to make some cash. Despite its impressive usage statistics and steady inflow in the number of users, Yelp recorded an overall net loss of $1 million in the first quarter of this year.

How Soon Do Consumers Make a Purchase After Visiting Yelp?


It is an undeniable fact that consumers are heavily reliant on Yelp before making a purchase.

But exactly how soon do consumers decide to purchase an item or a service after consulting Yelp for help? 

  • Within a few hours – 25% of consumers purchase after consulting Yelp for help
  • Within a day – 17% of consumers purchase after consulting Yelp for help
  • Within a week – 35% of consumers purchase after consulting Yelp for help
  • Within a month – 18% of consumers purchase after consulting Yelp for help
  • More than a month – 3% of consumers purchase after consulting Yelp for help

The figures above suggest that nearly 80% of consumers proceed to check out a product or service within a week after consulting Yelp.

Some of them go for the purchase decision as early as a few hours or a day after visiting Yelp.

Yelp Rating and its Correlation with Revenue Growth

It is a known market rule that a good rating helps brands achieve better sales and customer retention, while a bad review can easily break an entire career.

But a study on the correlation of Yelp ratings with that establishments’ revenue growth suggests that this rule is not absolute.

  • 1 star – 6.4% revenue growth
  • 1.5 stars – 2.2% revenue growth
  • 2 stars – 3.5% revenue growth
  • 2.5 stars – 4.2% revenue growth
  • 3 stars – 5.5% revenue growth
  • 3.5 stars – 7.6% revenue growth
  • 4 stars – 8.8% revenue growth
  • 4.5 stars – 9.9% revenue growth
  • 5 stars – 7.5% revenue growth

The numbers suggest that even poorly-reviewed restaurants as low as those with 1 star achieved impressive revenue growth of 6.4%.

This comes as consumers are interested to confirm for themselves if the bad review is subjective, so they try it for themselves.

As they say, even bad publicity is a good marketing opportunity.

Top Counties Using Yelp

While Yelp is free to use and easily available for all users worldwide, there is a huge disparity in its popularity in some countries compared to others.

Below is a list of the top countries with the highest number of Yelp users.

  • United States – 105.60 million monthly Yelp users, representing a penetration rate of 33.11% 
  • Canada – 6.3 million monthly Yelp users, representing a penetration rate of 17.92% 
  • United Kingdom – 4.1 million monthly Yelp users, representing a penetration rate of 6.4% 
  • Germany – 5.3 million monthly Yelp users, representing a penetration rate of 6.57%


Product reviews are everything!

A good rating can make a career and a bad one could easily pose huge economic costs to businesses. 

On the other hand, Yelp proves that even bad ratings could solicit curiosity which could drive consumers to try for themselves if the bad review is real or a fad.

Thus, brands with one-star ratings generate higher revenue growth compared to better-reviewed ones. 

Nevertheless, maintaining a good review on Yelp is of utmost importance as the site is trusted by millions of people all across the globe.

Thank you for reading this article about Yelp’s monthly active users and demographic data in 2025.


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