Instagram has been around since 2010, and it’s been quite a rollercoaster ride.
In fact, if you took a look at the first version of the Instagram app in comparison with the most current version, you probably wouldn’t even believe it’s the same app!
Instagram is such a big deal that users often look to it as a source of authority and for reputable information.
While planning your marketing strategy, knowing the latest facts about Instagram can help you boost your results to the next level.
It can be tough to nail down exactly the right information, so we’ve compiled the most valuable Instagram statistics all in one place for you.
These are the top statistics that you absolutely have to know right out of the gate when it comes to how many users does Instagram have in 2025:
Post Contents
- 1 Key Instagram Statistics
- 2 Top Instagram Statistics in 2025
- 3 Instagram Users Statistics 2025
- 3.1 6. Instagram Users Spend an Average of 30 Minutes a Day on the Network
- 3.2 7. Business IG Profiles are Visited by 200 Million Users Daily
- 3.3 8. 81% of people use Instagram for Researching Products and Services
- 3.4 9. 99% of IG Users are on Other Social Networking Sites
- 3.5 10. 1 Million Instagram Posts Include the Word “Meme”
- 4 Instagram Stories Statistics 2025
- 5 Instagram Advertising and Business Statistics 2025
- 6 Instagram Content Statistics 2025
- 7 Instagram User Statistics 2025
- 8 General Instagram Statistics for 2025
- 8.1 31. The First Image that Was Ever Uploaded to Instagram Was of A Dog Standing by A Taco Stand, and It Was Taken by The Co-Founder of Instagram, Kevin Systrom.
- 8.2 32. Instagram Is the Second Most Downloaded Free App in The Apple Store.
- 8.3 33. Instagram Users Spend Almost as Much Time on Instagram, as Facebook Users Do on Facebook.
- 8.4 34. 25% of Smartphone Users Use Instagram.
- 8.5 35. As Far as Google Queries Go, Instagram Is the 9th Most Popular.
- 8.6 36. So Far, More than 40 Billion Images Have Been Shared on Instagram.
- 8.7 37. 1.9% of Instagram Uploads Are Images.
- 8.8 38. 14.2% of Uploads on Instagram Are Videos.
- 8.9 39. 13.9% of Uploads on Instagram Are Carousels.
- 8.10 40. Currently, Instagram Hides Likes in The Following Seven Countries, New Zealand, Japan, Italy, Ireland, Canada, Brazil, and Australia.
- 8.11 41. 62% of Instagram Users Log Into Their Profile at Least Once a Day.
- 8.12 42. 42% of Instagram Users Check Their Profile Multiple Times a Day.
- 8.13 43. The Instagram Like Button Is Used 4.2 Billion Times a Day.
- 8.14 44. Over 50% of Instagram Profiles Use Explorer to Find New Content, as Well as New Profiles to Follow.
- 8.15 45. 83% of Users on Instagram Find New Services and Products on The Platform.
- 8.16 46. 200 Million Instagram Users Look at At Least One Business Account Every Day.
- 8.17 47. Each Month, 130 Million Instagram Users Click on A Shoppable Post.
- 8.18 48. Over 1 Million Users Watch Live Video Every Day.
- 8.19 49. Carousels Get More Authentic Interactions than Both Images and Videos on Instagram.
- 8.20 50. The Ideal Caption Has Less than 10 Words and Includes 20 Emojis.
- 8.21 51. 23 Emojis on Video Posts Increase the Average Engagement Rate by 4.95%.
- 8.22 52. 24 Emojis Are Suggested for Carousels if You Want Best Performance.
- 8.23 53. 20 Emojis Are Suggested if You’re Going to Post an Image for Best Performance.
- 8.24 54. More People Comment on Videos that Are Posted by Brands than Images.
- 8.25 55. 45.7% of Instagram Posts Make the Most of A Question in Their Caption, but This Doesn’t Link up With an Increase in Engagement.
- 8.26 56. The Average Instagram User Interacts with The App in The Afternoon, Specifically Between 1:00 P.M. and 5:00 P.M.
- 8.27 57. The Most Popular Video Content on Instagram Is ‘how To’ Tutorials.
- 8.28 58. Posts that Include Their Geo-Location Get Nearly 80% More Engagement that Posts that Don’t.
- 9 Instagram Demographics 2025
- 9.1 59. More than Half of The People that Use Instagram Around the World Are Younger than 34.
- 9.2 60. Almost 2/3 of People Who Use Instagram Are Between 18 and 29.
- 9.3 61. The Most Active Age Group on Instagram Is 18- to 34-Year-Olds.
- 9.4 62. 88% of Instagram Users Don’t Live in America.
- 9.5 63. Back in 2019, There Were 9.4 Million Instagram Users in Australia. This Is 37.2% of Australia’s Entire Population.
- 9.6 64. The Majority of Instagram Users in Australia Are Female, Sitting at 57.1%.
- 9.7 65. 3.1 Million Australian Instagram Users Are Aged Between 25 and 34.
- 9.8 66. In America, 43% of Females Are on Instagram, While 31% of Males Are on Instagram.
- 9.9 67. When It Comes to Location in America, 46% of Instagram Users Live in An Urban Area, While 35% of Instagram Users Live in A Suburban Area.
- 9.10 68. India Has the Highest Number of Instagram Users at 114 Million, as Does America with The Same Number.
- 9.11 69. When Looking at Percentage of Population that Uses Instagram, 78.7% of The Population of Kazakhstan Uses Instagram, While 17.5% of Brunei Use Instagram.
- 10 Instagram Brand Stats
- 10.1 70. 90% of People on Instagram Follow at Least One Business Page.
- 10.2 71. 67% of Marketers Plan on Increasing Their Organic Activity on Instagram Over the Next 12 Months.
- 10.3 72. The Average Brand on Instagram Posts 2 1/2 Stories a Week.
- 10.4 73. 60% of Brands Use an Interactive Element Every Week. This Includes Mentions, Polling Stickers, and Music.
- 10.5 74. Brand Stories Have an 85% Completion Rate.
- 10.6 75. 78% of People Surveyed Said that They Consider Brands that Used Instagram Popular, While 77% Saw Them as Creative, 72% as Committed to Building a Community Around Their Product, and 76% as Entertaining.
- 10.7 76. Brands on Instagram Typically Post Between 11 and 20 Times a Month.
- 10.8 77. 10% of Brands’ Post Comments Occur After 19 Days.
- 10.9 78. Half of All Brands on Instagram Have Uploaded at Least One Instagram Story.
- 10.10 79. Brands that Use Instagram Get Roughly 10 Times the Engagement that They Get on Facebook.
- 10.11 80. Brands Can Receive 23% Less Engagement on Facebook for Uploading the Same Picture.
- 10.12 81. 79% of Brands Use Instagram for Influencer Campaigns, Compared to Facebook at 46%, You Tube at 36%, Twitter at 24%, and Linked in At 12%.
- 11 Final Summary of Instagram Statistics for 2025
- 12 FAQs
- 13 Conclusion
- 14 Sources
Key Instagram Statistics
- As of 2023, Instagram has over 2.35 billion monthly active users
- Users spend an average of 30 minutes a day on Instagram
- 81% of people use Instagram for research on companies, products, and services.
- 50% of people have visited a website to purchase a product or service they saw on the app
- The average Instagram business account posts once a day
- The average engagement rate of an Instagram business post is 0.96%
- 500 million people use Instagram Stories on a daily basis
- 51% of users are female and 49% are male
- Shoppable posts are tapped by over 130 million user every month
- 88% of Instagram users are outside of the United States
Even at glance, these stats are very impressive.
Let’s look a little more closely and examine the implications of these statistics and more.
Top Instagram Statistics in 2025
1. Instagram Turns 13 Years Old in 2023
Instagram was created in 2010 and officially launched on October 6th.
The first post was made on July 16th of that same year as a test post of a dog, posted by the co-creator Kevin Systrom.
This year will be the 11th year that Instagram has been around, and it continues to be one of the top three social media platforms on the web today.
Instagram used to be a platform to share single photos with friends and family and expanded over the years to include a variety of features.
In 2023, Instagram offers a variety of things to its users: single photo posts, video posts, carousel posts, IG stories, IGTV, reels, live streams, shoppable content, Instagram ads, and more.
2. Instagram is Popular in Google Searches

When thinking about how many people use Instagram, it’s no surprise that with so many different possible topics and curious minds that Instagram appears in the top 10 most popular Google search queries.
In fact, Instagram comes in at number 9 according to these Instagram statistics.
Generic words like weather and translate are among the top, but Facebook and YouTube take some of the absolute top spots, showing that the internet is curious and always dedicated to using social media networks.
Since Instagram is normally accessed through the app and not a website, appearing in the top 10 Google search queries is pretty impressive.
3. Instagram Website in the Top 10 of Most Visited Websites
Speaking of websites, this statistic shows that Instagram is also the 6th most visited website on the web.
This is also notable considering that the main platform for Instagram access is via mobile apps.
The interface of Instagram on the web is totally different, and in order to make the user experience a bit more friendly, they’ve expanded some features to IG desktop that weren’t there previously, such as viewing your messages or seeing who liked your photos.
These features were previously only possible via the mobile app, but can now be done via the website.
Posting on a desktop, however, still remains an app-only feature.
Instagram wants to keep users geared toward mobile and therefore limits certain features and capabilities on desktop.
4. Mobile App User Count Ranks 4th
Because Instagram is accessed mainly via mobile, this is a more important statistic than website visits or Google searches.
In terms of mobile app use, Instagram is the 4th most-used mobile app.
Ahead of Instagram lies Facebook, WhatsApp, and Facebook Messenger. It’s good to be Facebook, isn’t it!
It’s important to note that Instagram takes the fourth spot even though YouTube has more monthly active users.
Understanding that people use the IG mobile app more than YouTube is a big deal for businesses and brands wondering where they can best reach their target audience.
5. #Love is the Most-Used Hashtag on Instagram
Speaking of how many people use Instagram, the world is clearly romantic since the hashtag #love is the most popular hashtag across the whole of Instagram.
With more than 1.8 billion uses, it’s the frontrunner of hashtags on Instagram.
Other popular Instagram hashtags include #instagood (1.14B), #fashion (807M), #photooftheday (792M), and #beautiful (657M).
This doesn’t mean you have to rush to the platform and upload something with #love; in fact, using more niche-specific hashtags that are geared towards your target audience is a more advisable hashtag strategy for your content.
We’ll discuss hashtag use later with some more detailed statistics.
Instagram Users Statistics 2025
6. Instagram Users Spend an Average of 30 Minutes a Day on the Network
Instagram was only expected to increase user time spent on the platform by a mere 1.5% in 2020, but it actually jumped up by roughly 4 minutes, bringing their growth up by roughly 14% from 2019. This means that more people were viewing Instagram on a daily basis for longer periods of time.
Facebook only increased it’s user time by 4.3%, although it’s still growth for them considering they were projected to decrease user time by 2% according to this Instagram statistic.
The more time that people spend on Instagram, the more likely they are to come across content that they’re interested in. In fact, Instagram stories have increased the time spent on Instagram stories steadily since its launch in 2012.
7. Business IG Profiles are Visited by 200 Million Users Daily
If you’ve been on Instagram at all in the recent past, you’re probably not surprised by the fact that the platform is saturated with businesses, brands, creators, and advertising. In fact, out of the 30 daily minutes people spend on Instagram, many of them are checking out a business profile.
This is a big deal for businesses because it’s a clear indicator that Instagram users are ready and willing to partake in viewing and engaging with business content; at the very least, businesses can get their content under relevant eyes and out there to more people.
8. 81% of people use Instagram for Researching Products and Services
Based on this next Instagram statistic, Instagram holds a large amount of power for many brands and businesses as well because it has influence in whether or not they decide to support the entity.
An astounding 81% of consumers flock to IG to check out brands, products, services, and other things they consider purchasing or supporting.
What’s more, 2 in 3 people agree that Instagram facilitates easier communication and connectivity with brands and businesses.
Most customers in general expect a response from a business within 60 minutes (88%), so building a responsive and informative Instagram profile that represents professionalism is vital.
9. 99% of IG Users are on Other Social Networking Sites
Instagram is not the only social media network that people fancy using; in fact, 99% of all Instagram users are on other social media sites, leaving 1% who are Instagram-only.
These days, a person has an average of 8 social media accounts, further drawing emphasis to the importance of building a strong cross-platform presence. It’s likely that your Instagram followers will also be checking out to see what you offer on other social media networks they use as well.
Make sure to give them something well-rounded and consistent.
10. 1 Million Instagram Posts Include the Word “Meme”
Instagram statistics show one of the most popular content types on Instagram is memes. Memes are a great way to connect with your followers and show the lighthearted side of your business, brand, or personality.
Users love memes and it shows— there are meme accounts on Instagram with almost 20 million followers, making them huge in terms of Instagram influencers. You can generate more interest in your profile by following relevant memes.
Remember when Bernie Sanders went meme viral during the 2021 presidential inauguration in the US?
You couldn’t look at Instagram for days without seeing one of those memes, and many businesses and brands rode the wave to stay relevant and engaging.
Do you have to become a meme page? Absolutely not. Including them when they are trending and relevant can be a good strategy.
Instagram Stories Statistics 2025

11. 900 Million People Use Instagram Stories Daily
There are 2.35 billion monthly active users on Instagram and and 900 million of those users are checking out Instagram stories daily.
That is a big deal, and if you haven’t yet put any energy into your Instagram stories strategy, it’s high time you start.
Instagram stories are incredibly important for brands and businesses; they are an integral part of the Instagram experience and your profile is somewhat naked without them.
Every time you have an active IG story you have a colored ring around your profile picture; users can see that and will be more likely to check you out.
What’s more, if they view your story regularly, yours will be one of the first to appear in their feed when you have an active one. That’s a lot of interest generation right there.
The following Instagram statistics will help you to understand why you should be using Instagram stories on a regular basis.
12. Brand Story Completion Rate is Almost 90%
This has been pretty consistent since 2019, but when a viewer checks out a brand’s Instagram story, 86% are completed and viewed. In 2019 it was 85%.
To break that stat down even further, entertainment account stories always saw an increase in completion rate, rising from 81% to 88%. Sports are the highest achievers in this category, with 90% of all sports stories being completed.
It’s worth noting that the short nature of Instagram stories helps the performance of this particular metric, and if you enhance your story and give your viewers something worth watching, they’re likely to finish it.
Will they continue to the next story? Maybe not. It’s pretty common for businesses to lose viewers after the first story post.
13. IG Stories Make Up a Quarter of all IG Content
To put it into perspective, Instagram makes up roughly 25% of all Instagram content, which is a pretty big deal.
Single-photo posts is the original content type and remains the most frequent, but Instagram stories taking up a quarter of all content makes a case for its use.
If Instagram stories continue, they’ll take up even more space in the future. They are only becoming more popular.
14. A Third of the Most Viewed IG Stories are from Businesses
Out of all the Instagram stories content, a third of the most-viewed stories on the platform are from businesses. With 500 million users on IG stories daily, that’s a big portion of people that are looking at your stories and enjoying them.
When you use IG stories, you gain more reach for your content and increase not only the visibility of your brand or business but also your reputation.
15. 15%-25% of Users Actually do “Swipe Up”
The swipe-up feature isn’t available to all, but for those accounts that do have it, 15-25% of users are likely to use the feature and swipe up to see more.
It’s useful to link out to a website, a product page, additional information, and much more. The swipe-up feature becomes available to Instagram business profiles after a minimum follower count of 10,000 is reached.
Instagram Advertising and Business Statistics 2025
16. 70% of Marketers Are Looking to Video
With video platforms such as TikTok and features like Instagram reels, the turn to video is becoming a necessity, and marketers know it.
In fact, across social media platforms including Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, and Twitter, all marketers are looking to increase video activity.
This is partly due to the COVID-19 pandemic, increasing the desire of users to watch video content more frequently and keep themselves occupied. When TikTok began to boom, Instagram released the feature “reels” in August of 2020 in order to compete.
This shows that even Instagram knows how important it is to keep up with video content in order to compete, and marketers are going to do the same. Short-form video is now able to be shared across both Instagram and TikTok, and that’s a likely avenue for marketers to go down.
17. 90% of IG Users Follow a Business
While Instagram started out as a way to share content and connect with friends and family, it’s clear that those days are long behind us.
Instagram statistics for business show that it has steadily increased the number of business accounts on the platform, with roughly 75% of businesses holding an Instagram account.
What’s more, 90% of all IG users follow at least one business account, meaning that almost all Instagram users engage with a minimum of one business on the platform.
18. Instagram Stories Ads are Increasingly Important
Instagram stories ads are a whole different type of advertising experience, and with 500M daily story users, it’s a worthwhile investment. In fact, 4 million businesses partake in Instagram ads monthly.
The benefit of using story ads is that businesses have the chance to create stimulating ads that are full-screen and can really connect and engage the user. It’s been shown that ads shot on a mobile perform better than ads that were shot in a studio by 63%.
This is a big deal because you can save on budget when you shoot via a mobile phone as opposed to in a studio, which could be a game-changer for smaller businesses with lower marketing budgets.
19. Half of IG Users Show Interest After Seeing Ads
Instagram ads are a bit pricey, but they do have an effect. Because ads can be targeted and visually stimulating, it’s a great way to connect with new customers and can be very appealing to users in your target market.
In fact, 50% of Instagram users have their interest piqued after seeing a brand’s Instagram ad. This may be well worth the investment if you can gain traction on the platform and target your ads correctly.
20. Instagram has a Huge Advertising Reach: 1.44 Billion Users
Instagram is a global platform, and 1.44 billion people use it each month. The best thing about this is that the reach of Instagram advertising has consistently increased, and in Q3 of 2020 it was up by 7.1%.
There’s no question that Instagram delivers huge potential in terms of advertisements; it’s also another reason why the platform generates so much income— $18.16 billion forecast was forecast for 2021, in fact. In 2020 IG raked in $13.86 billion and a lower $9.45 billion in 2019.
Instagram Content Statistics 2025
21. The Average Instagram Post Uses Almost 11 Hashtags
Hashtags were first used in 2007 on Twitter, and they’ve been the unofficial symbol of discoverability ever since. Hashtags are used on every social media platform to connect users with the content they’re looking for.
Instagram is no exception, and hashtags are vital if you want your content to be discovered by new users and appear in hashtag feeds. In your posts, Instagram allows for up to 30 hashtags but the average number of usage is roughly 10.7 hashtags per post.
Should you use all 30? Not necessarily. It’s shown that spamming your content with hashtags has a negative impact on engagement after 5 or 6 hashtags, so if you use ultra-targeted hashtags you should be able to optimize your results with just five.
Use hashtags that aren’t overly popular; when you use hashtags with billions of posts, it’s likely your post will get pushed down the content feed and will likely not be seen. Hashtags trending or popular in your niche get you the best results.
22. Instagram Engagement is Down
The Instagram algorithm is a tricky thing and it’s always changing, which makes it even harder to pin down.
Instagram statistics from 2020 show us thay engagement on Instagram fell from 1.6% to 1.22%. This is no good, considering that engagement is the key metric that has helped content get more reach in the past.
Some ways to keep your engagement levels up are to use call-to-actions in your caption, host a giveaway, include a healthy variety of content types, and engage with your followers.
23. Best Times To Post on Instagram: Two Options
Businesses average about one post per day, so knowing when your target audience is online is a big way to help drive your content performance.
That being said, two times per week were shown to be the best times to post content, and those times are:
- Wednesday at 11AM
- Friday between 10-11AM
The reason you want to make sure you post consistently and at the optimal times is so that you’ll get your content seen by more users and followers as well as boost engagement.
24. Standard Image Posts and IG Stories are Best
If you’re an influencer, the best types of content that you want to be publishing is the standard image post and Instagram stories. Why? These are the types of content that yield more purchases and therefore better results.
78% of standard image posts resulted in a purchase while 73% of stories did. This is excellent to know because it may be something that a business can experiment with on their own, helping to direct customers to content that will lead them to purchase a product or service.
25. Get More Engagement with Carousel Posts
Engagement is highest with carousel posts, so even though overall engagement is down on Instagram, you can maximize your engagement levels by including a good balance of carousel posts with your content.
You should aim for your engagement ratio to be roughly 1-5% of your total follower count for a healthy level; that means if you have 10k followers, you should be getting roughly between 100-500 engagements per post.
Instagram User Statistics 2025
26. 87% of People are Agree They are Influenced by Influencers

Influencer marketing is a big deal on Instagram, and it’s no surprise considering that using influencers actually makes a difference.
It’s quite substantial, in fact, that 87% of people confirm that an influencer has led them to make a purchase.
People who love shopping also look to Instagram for guidance, 70% confirming that they seek product discovery via the Instagram platform.
There is no shortage of criticism about the whole “influencer” phenomenon, but results don’t lie: influencers do sway users on Instagram.
27. Instagram has over 1.44 Billion Monthly Active Users
Instagram statistics tell us that it reached one billion monthly active users in June 2018 and has continued to gain more users ever since. They now have a confirmed user base of over 1.44 billion monthly users.
However, according to a CNBC news report, it is rumored that the user base far exceeds this and Instagram actually has over 2 billion users! We stress that this is an unconfirmed figure. Make of that as you will.
There are only a few social media networks that surpass Instagram, including Facebook with 2.8 billion monthly active users and YouTube coming in at around 2 billion.
28. 88% of Users are from Outside the United States
While Americans hold the largest Instagram audience, that doesn’t mean that they’re the majority of users.
According to recent Instagram statistics for 2025, America holds 140 million Instagram users, composing 12% of all users, but there are still a total of 88% of users outside of the US.
There are five other countries that come close to the US in terms of Instagram users:
- India: 120 million users
- Brazil: 95 million users
- Indonesia: 78 million users
- Russia: 54 million users
This is key information when considering the reach of your brand and who exactly fits into your target audience. You may be able to come up with a more valuable content strategy when you understand your target audience better.
29. Europe is Showing IG Growth of almost 20%
Europe has seen exponential growth in Instagram users since 2018; in 2019 Western Europe had only 113.5 million users, and by the end of 2020 there were about 132.8 million. Europe is projected to grow continuously, hitting 149.7 million users by 2024.
30. Instagram Gender Mix is Almost Equal
The global ratio is 51% female to 49% men, but in the US, the statistics are a bit more distant.
43% more women use Instagram in the US as opposed to 31% of men. There is no other data for genders outside of male and female provided by Instagram.
It’s difficult to make assumptions based on these Instagram stats, nor should you. Using analytics tools to help you analyze and assess your target audience will bring you much better results and the ability to plan and strategize content.
These are general statistics and can provide valid insight, but knowing your target audience through your own analytics will prove much more valuable.
General Instagram Statistics for 2025
31. The First Image that Was Ever Uploaded to Instagram Was of A Dog Standing by A Taco Stand, and It Was Taken by The Co-Founder of Instagram, Kevin Systrom.
You might be surprised to learn that the first hero of Instagram was actually a dog. This is reminiscent of what Instagram used to be all about, which was sharing pics of your dog or cat as well as pics of your breakfast.
32. Instagram Is the Second Most Downloaded Free App in The Apple Store.
As far as Instagram statistics go, this is pretty impressive and shows that even though Instagram has been around for a hot minute, it’s still pulling in those big numbers as far as downloads go. We don’t see this decreasing anytime soon as Instagram is still just as popular as it used to be.
33. Instagram Users Spend Almost as Much Time on Instagram, as Facebook Users Do on Facebook.
The Average Time for Browsing on Instagram Is 53 Minutes a Day. for Facebook, It Is 58 Minutes a Day.
34. 25% of Smartphone Users Use Instagram.
This might not seem like a huge statistic, but when you think about the fact that this means that 1 in 4 people in the world that have a smartphone jump on Instagram, it is pretty impressive.
It’s impressive that Instagram has had an impact on this many people. It also shows that lots of people are enjoying Instagram on their phones.
35. As Far as Google Queries Go, Instagram Is the 9th Most Popular.
Instagram gets searched a lot on Google, which is why it’s the 9th most popular search. People most likely search for keywords related to Instagram as opposed to Instagram itself.
36. So Far, More than 40 Billion Images Have Been Shared on Instagram.
This is a difficult number to wrap your head around, because it’s so big and it’s only getting bigger.
37. 1.9% of Instagram Uploads Are Images.
Back in the day when Instagram was first a thing, this statistic would have been bigger.
However, these days considering you can now upload videos and other content forms, it’s no surprise that not too many Instagram uploads these days are actually images.
38. 14.2% of Uploads on Instagram Are Videos.
This statistic makes a lot more sense, considering Instagram has released quite a few features recently over the last couple of years to do with video.
39. 13.9% of Uploads on Instagram Are Carousels.
Carousels are a popular Instagram feature, and are used by a lot of people as you can see from this statistic.
40. Currently, Instagram Hides Likes in The Following Seven Countries, New Zealand, Japan, Italy, Ireland, Canada, Brazil, and Australia.
What’s really interesting about these statistics is that this is a small percentage of total countries out there where you can access Instagram.
This begs the question: why? Why do these countries have the like button hidden, and how did Instagram choose them?
41. 62% of Instagram Users Log Into Their Profile at Least Once a Day.
The majority of Instagram users can’t help but log into their Instagram profile at least once a day.
In fact, we have a feeling that you probably start your day with Instagram, and you probably end it with Instagram as well right before you go to sleep.
42. 42% of Instagram Users Check Their Profile Multiple Times a Day.
This is more fitting with most people out there, but what’s interesting is that it isn’t the majority.
However, we think that this number is always getting bigger – and then you’ve got that small percentage of people who simply can’t get away from Instagram.
43. The Instagram Like Button Is Used 4.2 Billion Times a Day.
Are you someone who likes to interact with other people’s images and videos on Instagram? How do you interact with them?
Based on these statistics, we are willing to bet that it is through liking the content that you see in your feed. This is why there are 4.2 billion likes on the platform every day.
44. Over 50% of Instagram Profiles Use Explorer to Find New Content, as Well as New Profiles to Follow.
The Explorer page on Instagram was subtly introduced as a feature a couple of years ago, and it has gone from strength to strength.
More and more people are using it as a place to find new people to follow and a place to stay more connected with their online community.
45. 83% of Users on Instagram Find New Services and Products on The Platform.
One thing that might surprise you is just how many people are relying on Instagram to get their brand information from.
However, this shouldn’t actually come as a surprise considering how much money brands are spending on their Instagram marketing campaigns every year.
46. 200 Million Instagram Users Look at At Least One Business Account Every Day.
Again, speaking of Instagram business statistics, if you are someone who looks at a business account on Instagram frequently, then you are certainly not alone.
A lot of people resort to Instagram to find out relevant information about a brand that they are interested in, so they can decide if they want to check out their website or not.
47. Each Month, 130 Million Instagram Users Click on A Shoppable Post.
This statistic again shows just how important it is to have a presence on Instagram if you are a business and you are trying to expand the reach of your social media marketing campaign. Instagram is obviously the place to be.
48. Over 1 Million Users Watch Live Video Every Day.
One feature that Instagram has offered only recently has been their Instagram Live feature.
This gives you the opportunity to go live and interact with your audience in real time, so that they can feel like they’re really hanging out with you. As you can see from this statistic, it’s pretty popular.
49. Carousels Get More Authentic Interactions than Both Images and Videos on Instagram.
This means that you should start thinking about how you can optimize this part of your Instagram marketing campaign as well as your images and videos.
50. The Ideal Caption Has Less than 10 Words and Includes 20 Emojis.
While you might be tempted to go crazy with your caption and your emojis, there is always a sweet spot with these things and if you aren’t following the rules, you could end up ruining things for yourself.
Thank goodness there are stats like this to point you in the right direction.
51. 23 Emojis on Video Posts Increase the Average Engagement Rate by 4.95%.
You might be someone who is sick of seeing emojis everywhere you look not just on Instagram but on other major social media networks as well.
However, it might make you feel a bit better to know that emojis can actually increase your engagement rate, so you might want to make friends with them after all.
52. 24 Emojis Are Suggested for Carousels if You Want Best Performance.
If you want to be able to optimize your carousels for best performance, you’ve got to get the balance right with your emojis.
We don’t suggest that you go crazy with them, but we also don’t suggest that you neglect them completely.
53. 20 Emojis Are Suggested if You’re Going to Post an Image for Best Performance.
This might seem like a lot, but trust us when we say that this is going to set your content apart from the rest and ensure that it does really well.
54. More People Comment on Videos that Are Posted by Brands than Images.
If you are a brand and you haven’t explored the video content side of things – you’ve just stuck with images – then we highly recommend that you stretch yourself a little bit and see what you can come up with.
As you can see from this statistic, you’ll probably thank yourself for going outside of your comfort zone.
55. 45.7% of Instagram Posts Make the Most of A Question in Their Caption, but This Doesn’t Link up With an Increase in Engagement.
Of course, if you have been online lately and you have read an article about Instagram engagement, it has probably told you to include a call-to-action or a question in your caption.
There is nothing wrong with this and we still recommend it, but this stat shows that doing so doesn’t necessarily correlate with more engagement.
56. The Average Instagram User Interacts with The App in The Afternoon, Specifically Between 1:00 P.M. and 5:00 P.M.
If you are a brand, then you might want to think about setting your posts for upload between these times, so that you can catch your audience when the majority of them are online.
57. The Most Popular Video Content on Instagram Is ‘how To’ Tutorials.
Statistics show that it is growing as a landscape that is going beyond just entertainment
It’s getting informative as well and sharing ‘how to’ tutorials with its audience, as more and more people turn to social media to learn how to do something or check that they’re doing something correctly.
58. Posts that Include Their Geo-Location Get Nearly 80% More Engagement that Posts that Don’t.
You might not be someone who is going to jump at the idea of being able to share your exact location, but if you want more engagement on your Instagram page, you need to bite the bullet.
This is especially relevant if you are a local business.
Instagram Demographics 2025
59. More than Half of The People that Use Instagram Around the World Are Younger than 34.
This statistic is going to come as no surprise to you – of course the younger people prefer social media to the old people.
There are some older people out there that like to get on Instagram, but for the most part it is dominated by the younger generations that have grown up with it.
60. Almost 2/3 of People Who Use Instagram Are Between 18 and 29.
What’s interesting is that it’s not just teenagers that are on Instagram, even though you might be tempted to think that it is.
It’s actually those in their twenties that love Instagram, and there’s a good chance that they also used it when they were teens too.
61. The Most Active Age Group on Instagram Is 18- to 34-Year-Olds.
People even older than in their twenties are jumping on the Instagram bandwagon, as you can see from this statistic.
Even people in their thirties are finding enough to do on the popular social media sharing app.
62. 88% of Instagram Users Don’t Live in America.
These statistics might surprise you, but Instagram is pretty popular everywhere in the world, not just in America.
63. Back in 2019, There Were 9.4 Million Instagram Users in Australia. This Is 37.2% of Australia’s Entire Population.
While this might not be most of Australia’s population, it means that one in three people that live in Australia are on Instagram – it’s a pretty impressive number.
64. The Majority of Instagram Users in Australia Are Female, Sitting at 57.1%.
This might not surprise you seeing as the same statistics can be found for America. For some reason, Instagram seems to attract more females than it does males.
65. 3.1 Million Australian Instagram Users Are Aged Between 25 and 34.
Again, the younger generation loves Instagram, which is why the majority of people in their twenties in Australia are on Instagram and are using it a lot – whether this is for personal reasons, or professional.
66. In America, 43% of Females Are on Instagram, While 31% of Males Are on Instagram.
72% are between the ages of 13 and 17, while 67% are between the ages of 18 and 29.
47% are between the ages of 30 and 49, while 23% are between the ages of 50 and 64. Only 8% are over the age of 65.
67. When It Comes to Location in America, 46% of Instagram Users Live in An Urban Area, While 35% of Instagram Users Live in A Suburban Area.
Just 21% of Instagram users in America live in a rural area.
68. India Has the Highest Number of Instagram Users at 114 Million, as Does America with The Same Number.
Coming in second place is Brazil at 99 million, and then you’ve got Indonesia at 85 million, Russia at 56 million, Turkey at 46 million, Japan at 38 million, Mexico at 32 million, the UK at 31 million, and Germany at 26 million.
69. When Looking at Percentage of Population that Uses Instagram, 78.7% of The Population of Kazakhstan Uses Instagram, While 17.5% of Brunei Use Instagram.
As far as Turkey goes, this number is at 68.4%, for Iceland it is 66.5%, Sweden is sitting at 66.5%, Kuwait is sitting at 65.7%, Cypress is 64.5%, the Cayman Islands is 64.3%, Malta is 62.1%, and Guam is 61.7%.
Instagram Brand Stats
70. 90% of People on Instagram Follow at Least One Business Page.
This goes to show just how important Instagram is if you’ve got a brand and you are trying to find more of your target demographic.
There is every chance that you are going to get the exposure that you want with Instagram statistics like this.
71. 67% of Marketers Plan on Increasing Their Organic Activity on Instagram Over the Next 12 Months.
This is good news – it means that brands aren’t going to take shortcuts to make sure that they can be seen on Instagram.
They plan on building an authentic relationship with their audience.
72. The Average Brand on Instagram Posts 2 1/2 Stories a Week.
Instagram brands are even jumping on the Instagram stories bandwagon, and integrating this part of Instagram into their Instagram marketing campaign.
73. 60% of Brands Use an Interactive Element Every Week. This Includes Mentions, Polling Stickers, and Music.
Brands know that if you want to do well on Instagram and keep your audience involved in your content, then you’ve got to get interactive.
This is why most brands inject an interactive element into their content every week.
74. Brand Stories Have an 85% Completion Rate.
This means that people are here for brand stories, and they are prepared to look at them until the very end.
This makes it an excellent tool for connecting with your audience.
75. 78% of People Surveyed Said that They Consider Brands that Used Instagram Popular, While 77% Saw Them as Creative, 72% as Committed to Building a Community Around Their Product, and 76% as Entertaining.
This goes to show that if you want to do well with your brand, in general, these days, you’ve got to have a presence on Instagram – even if you are just posting once a week. It’s still going to make a difference.
76. Brands on Instagram Typically Post Between 11 and 20 Times a Month.
Even if you are just posting eleven times a month, this is still a relatively high number of times to be posting. It’s at least twice a week.
77. 10% of Brands’ Post Comments Occur After 19 Days.
What’s interesting is that people don’t seem to leave comments on brand content straight away – they tend to take their time.
78. Half of All Brands on Instagram Have Uploaded at Least One Instagram Story.
The Instagram stories feature is of course a popular feature among influencers, but it’s also popular among brands, as this statistic shows.
79. Brands that Use Instagram Get Roughly 10 Times the Engagement that They Get on Facebook.
Back in the day, it was Facebook that was worth using to promote your brand.
However, these days, we think that Instagram takes the cake, and stats like this prove it. You might want to move your presence on Facebook over to Instagram.
80. Brands Can Receive 23% Less Engagement on Facebook for Uploading the Same Picture.
This is why we highly recommend that you post that pic up on Instagram first, so that you can get the engagement that you are looking for.
81. 79% of Brands Use Instagram for Influencer Campaigns, Compared to Facebook at 46%, You Tube at 36%, Twitter at 24%, and Linked in At 12%.
Instagram is definitely the hot spot for influencer marketing campaigns, as you can see from this stat.
The good news is that there are plenty of influencers out there for you to choose from – just make sure that you vet them first so you know you are working with one that’s worth it.
Final Summary of Instagram Statistics for 2025
We’ll leave you with a quick snapshot of some of the biggest statistics from this list:
- Instagram has 2.35 billion monthly active users
- 500 million Instagram users interact with Instagram stories daily
- 90% of users follow at least one business account
- Roughly 25% of all content on IG is from Instagram stories
- Engagement decreased in 2020 overall
- 81% of users look to Instagram to check out a business, product, or service
- The average number of hashtags on a post is 10.7, but 5 might perform better
- 99% of all IG users have other social media networks
- Video is increasingly important with 70% of marketers looking to increase their video content
- Influencers still matter, swaying 87% of people into making a purchase
Who Owns Instagram?

Kevin Systrom, one of the co-founders of Instagram, was the owner of Instagram until 2012.
Just two short years after the app was launched and established, Facebook purchased it for $1 billion.
Facebook owns the four most downloaded apps of the decade, including Facebook, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, and Instagram.
This has raised some eyebrows and caused many to feel that Facebook holds a pretty strong monopoly on social media.
While there are other prominent social media networks out there like Twitter and YouTube, there’s no denying that Facebook holding all four of these apps puts it at the top of the food chain.
Many have argued for the break-up of this holding, but there is still quite a bit of uncertainty as to whether or not that will happen in the future and what would be necessary in order to make it a reality.
Why is Instagram Popular?
A valid question, many people want to know what’s so special about Instagram that it’s become one of the most-used mobile apps on a global scale.
There are quite a few factors that may contribute to the app’s success, including:
• Ease of use: Instagram is really simple to use and the platform has done a good job of making it primarily a mobile app, keeping it just a tap away from people at any moment.
• Image-centered: because Instagram is a visual platform, there is a lot of versatility in the offerings of Instagram content.
• Expansion of shopping: people now see Instagram as a place they can go to find what they’re looking for.
There are many different in-app shopping features that have fused the idea of social and commerce.
• Social proof: there are so many people using Instagram that if you’re not using it, you’re basically missing out on something.
People don’t like to miss out on things— they have serious FOMO. For that reason, it almost forces people to be part of the platform.
• Human connection: it’s ironic that people seek human connection behind a screen, but people feel that they can connect with their followers and their community and validate themselves in a way.
These are just some of the reasons why Instagram may have gained popularity.
What do you think the reason is? Let us know in the comments!
Can I Make Money on Instagram?
Yes, Instagram has become a hub for social media monetization.
Instagram itself doesn’t pay any users; however, there are still 3 main ways for people to earn money on the platform:
• Offering a digital product or service (such as a fitness program or a how-to)
• Partnering with brands and doing sponsored content
• Affiliate marketing
These are the three most popular ways to make money on Instagram.
Instagram influencers can make a huge amount of money from sponsored posts.
The numbers vary depending on how many followers you have, but if you have thousands or millions of Instagram followers you could easily charge $10k or more per post.
Celebrities and mega-influencers make in the hundreds of thousands of dollars per post.
How can I Get More Instagram Followers?
Getting more Instagram followers has been a big deal since Instagram started gaining traction and it’s no different today.
The more followers you have, the more people you reach on a regular basis, and the better your odds are of seeing tangible results.
So, how can one get more Instagram followers?
There are a few things you can do now:
• Use hashtags: If you want to get your content out to more people, you need to use hashtags with a public profile.
Research hashtags that are doing well in your niche or use a hashtag tool to help you find the right tags to get your content in front of more people.
• Engage with users: engaging with users is the proven method for generating more interest in your brand and getting people to check you out.
You can spend quite a bit of time doing this yourself, or you can use an Instagram bot or hire an Instagram growth service to do it for you.
Organic Instagram growth methods are one of the best ways to get more Instagram followers.
You should also engage in conversations on other accounts as well as respond to any and all comments and messages you receive.
• Optimize your Instagram: your Instagram profile must be picture perfect; people make a decision about you in a split second, so if you don’t have things on point, they’re likely to navigate away.
Ensure your username, bio, and profile picture are connected and representative of your desired brand image.
Check out your overall aesthetic and make sure you have a good mix of content.
What Kind of Content is Best for Instagram?
This is debatable depending on what you consider to be “best.”
When looking at popularity, the most popular type of content is still the single-photo post, the original content type of Instagram.
When considering performance, engagement is the key metric that you want to exploit if you want your Instagram to grow.
For engagement, carousel posts, posts that have more than one photo, have the highest engagement rate on the platform, 1.94%.
Another popular type of content is Instagram stories with over 500M daily users.
It’s important to keep your content well-rounded and offer your followers a variety while taking advantage of the top content types.
The more versatile and well-developed your Instagram content is, the more professional and reputable people will find your brand or business to be.
Since almost 90% of people use Instagram to evaluate brands, products, and services, establishing yourself with versatile content and a professional, relatable image is of absolute importance on Instagram.
Year by year, Instagram has consistently pioneered its way to one of the top social media platforms around; not only is it popular among everyday users, but it’s also become a powerhouse platform for businesses, brands, marketers, and more, all hoping to drive revenue and conversion.
With so many years down and many more to go, there are plenty of fascinating Instagram statistics for 2025 out there about Instagram that many people looking to enhance their real-world results should know about.
There are also plenty of enhanced features that help businesses, brands, creators, and more sell and market their products and services all within the app.
This is a big advantage for many and makes the platform uniquely tailored to businesses and e-commerce.